By / 02/14/2025 9th Science 1 / 11 Matter is not made up of small particles. a. False b. True 2 / 11 Solid CO2 is known as dry ice. a. False b. True 3 / 11 The state of matter can be changed by changing temperature or pressure. a. True b. False 4 / 11 Latent heat of fusion is the amount of heat energy requiredto change 1 kg of solid into liquid at its melting point. a. False b. True 5 / 11 atmosphere (atm) is a unit of measuring pressure exerted by a gas. a. False b. True 6 / 11 Evaporation causes cooling. a. False b. True 7 / 11 phenomenon of change of a liquid intovapours at any temperature below its boilingpoint is called evaporation. a. True b. False 8 / 11 Solid state of the matter has largest space between particles than liquid a. False b. True 9 / 11 A solution is not a homogeneous mixture of twoor more substances. a. False b. True 10 / 11 A change of state directly from solid to gaswithout changing into liquid state is calledsublimation. a. False b. True 11 / 11 Melting point for water is zero degree celsius a. True b. False Your score isThe average score is 87%GIVE A CHALLENGE TO YOUR FRIENDS Facebook 0% Restart quiz See review Thank you for your support Send feedback